You know that feeling when the airplane goes wheels down in your destination? 

You pass through the sliding glass doors of the airport and into the sunshine. You take a deep breath, raise your face to the sun, exhale the words ‘We’re here’ 

You pop on your sunnies and hop in that Lyft. 

This feeling, It’s the fucking best 

And that’s the feeling I’m making sure you keep. All. Vacation. Long.

the travel upgrade you have been waiting for

Too often that feeling is eclipsed by worries about how you’ll look on the beach. Or feeling bloated waking up after a night of chips, salsa and margaritas.


Instead of returning home with thoughts of ‘oh man I went off the rails’ you’ll only be thinking about the FUN AF time you’ve had.

Once you’ve learned and implemented the strategies in this mini course, those days of regret are going to be long behind you.



✈️ GET CLARITY ON THE TYPE OF TRAVELER YOU WANT TO BE so that you know if you want to workout on vacation or if it Is a time to relax. if you want to keep making progress or maintain the progress you’ve made.

✈️ MAKE CONFIDENT FOOD & MOVEMENT DECISIONS WHILE TRAVELING so that you can know exactly what to choose to eat, how much to eat, how to move and how much to move in order to get the results you want.

✈️ BUILD MINDSET STRATEGIES so that you can toss off that swimsuit cover up without a care in the world.

✈️ TRUST THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE AND ACTIONS YOU TAKE WHILE TRAVELING so that when you get home you have no regrets about what you should or shouldn’t have done. Only amazing memories to remember.

❌ making you take 10k + steps a day when you’re trying to relax

❌ a limited number of drinks you can have on vacation

❌ going to ruin your vacation by making it ‘healthy’


❌ a diet program

❌ making you workout on vacation

❌ only eating broccoli and chicken when you go out to eat

You’ll be empowered with all the strategies you need to make this (and every vacation) your most confident one!


4 modules covering all of the travel strategies I teach my students to have vacations where they make progress, they maintain progress OR they just wanna go have fun without feeling guilty when they get home (Your choice - you get all the tools so you can choose whatever you want for each vacation you’re going on!)

BONUS: checklists and passports for strategies so you don't miss a beat!

Daily coaching support from Coach K information is only as great as the support and application you get with it, so we are adding 30 days of coaching support! This course is PERFECT to start two weeks before going on a vacation and have Coach K to walk you through the planning, executing and reflecting afterward.

Exclusive access to the Whole Human community chat channels! Be with like minded people and see the wins and roadblocks they are experiencing and being coached through for one month!

BONUS: Lifetime access to the course, life isn’t a closed book test, you get to access your resources when you need them - forever!

how to get started

Sign up with the links on this page and download our slack app and celebrate getting started!


Fill out our intake form and schedule your 20 min call with our Success Coach to make sure you know how best to navigate the course and our apps.


You dive into the course, follow the framework, get support and coaching in slack, and come to the coaching calls until your results are achieved!



aka coaching on demand like Netflix

When you join FCC, you get immediate and lifetime access to the course and framework. Each lesson is designed to teach you skills and strategies that you need to create a vacation where you feel FINE AF while you having a FUN AF time.

unit 1: Welcome

We are so super pumped to have you here in First Class Confidence. This module teaches you the best way to use the course and coaching program as well as primes your mind to be ready to make shit happen.


This is where we dive into deciding what type of travel you want to have, the strategies on how to make that your reality, what to expect post travel, and how to build your mindset up to be your most confident!


Hitting roadblocks, being confused on what to do, feeling ‘fluffy’ after travel, there are lots of reasons we feel stuck in being our most confident selves on vacation. This is where we break down all those barriers.

unit 4: WHATS NEXT!?

We take the skills you learned and practiced for this vacation or travel and use them to create a fool proof plan for every vacation (no matter the travel style) you will have in the future.


  • Confidence comes from many different places than just the size/look of our body. We have videos and worksheets specific to building confidence without changing the shape of your body. Specifically Module 2: Video 5 is where you will want to go!

  • GOOD! We don’t want you to be either! FCC is NOT a diet program, we are here to help you FEEL your best while on vacation - both physically and in your thoughts! Module 2, videos 4,5, & 6 will give you everything you need to NOT DIET and still feel good and confidence in your body without any guilt when you return home.

  • 12-14 days before your travel is the BEST time to join FCC - this way you have time to watch the modules, make your plan and still pack without stress.

    If you are one week away from your trip (or less) then you only need 30 minutes to focus on 3 videos in module 2 and to message Coach K.

    If you are ON your trip, then log in and drop your coaching needs directly to Coach K and she will guide you through everything you need!

    If your trip is a few months away still then you have time to dig into the modules, create a plan with Coach K and be super prepared. You can practice the strategies on your weekends before you go AND you get to keep the course for a lifetime, so it will always be in your backpocket.

  • For the LIFETIME of the course! You get to keep it forever! We are firm believers that life is an open book test and that you should be able to have access to all of the resources you need forever! The coaching access is 30 days, and you can always extend your time with Coach K by joining WholeYOUniversity.


For every student and client that joins the Whole Human Community, whether for our coaching programs, workshops or retreats, we make a $20 donation to Raphael House of Portland. These donations have been able to provide emergency shelter for families in need. We are so thankful for our community and so happy to be able to give back to others!